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Comments for Apple Cider Vinegar and Sugar Cravings

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Apple Cider Vinegar and Sugar Cravings
by: Nicky

When I was younger my cravings were for savory food but as I have gotten older sugar cravings have been so strong and that I couldn't seem to control them and while not diabetic, my A1-c was climbing.

Started drinking ACV a week ago but not for sugar cravings. To my surprise I felt an immediate lack of sugar cravings!

Yes I still have a bit of dessert but it is now a choice (that I am not choosing much) rather than a horrible craving. I take a Tbs twice a day in 8 oz of water. I find it also seems to make my night time sleep better.

Don't have a blood test soon but will be delighted to see the results I think might happen.

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“Father of Medicine”

(460 BC – 370 BC)

Hippocrates himself was known to have used vinegar as an energizing tonic and healing elixir.

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